dinsdag 19 juli 2011

A welcome.

And there it is. A blog. Something I've been talking and thinking about for ages (or- actually only a day and a half).

So here's what this is: I am a starting cosplayer (finished cosplay rate: one.) and a fashion student. I really like working with my hands (i.e. sewing, mostly, but also cross-stitching, working with clay or any other way of oldschool self-expression in 3D) and I always concider it fun and useful if I read about other cosplayers/costume designers and how they overwon their difficulties on a certain costume, prop or anything else. Which got me thinking- what if I start a blog about that kinda stuff? A blog on which I report about (almost) everything costume-related I do, keep you updated about the progress, difficulties, problems that occur and how I (try to) solve them and tips and tricks I find out and come across. And since I'm still only a starter, I'm pretty sure I'll make enough faults for you to learn from!
Except for that... This is also a way for me to be able to look back on my own progress throughout the days/weeks/months/years and if I suddenly forget this-or-that trick I used, I'd always be able to find it back here, hopefully including pictures that make my story clearer.
I'm gonna try to do everything in English, so that as much as possible people can profit from it. But Dutch is my mother language still, so please forgive me if I don't know the right terms for things sometimes, or if my use of English is just simply wonky.

That's it for now. At the moment, I am working on two costumes- the Masked Croissant (or Mask of Croissant or the other thousand names that she goes by in different countries), the "disguise" Ringo used in Air Gear to help out Ikki and his team, and Kim Possible's Shego because she rocks my socks. I'll try to update here about every different piece of costume that I have to make for both (though I already finished Ringo's bathing suit, sorry), starting with Ringo's mask. Hopefully this midday already, even.
That, and ofcourse try to personalize my page a bit. Because now, it looks incredibly plain and standard-layout-ish. (which it is, ofcourse)
... But now mom's going pissed on me not sitting at the kitchen table for lunch, so you guys have to do with this for a few hours. xD

(hopefully) till soon!


2 opmerkingen:

  1. I'll be keeping me eye on you, lass. ARRR.

  2. Jaaa Lea heeft blog!! <3
    (Volg je me wel terug!:p)
    Ik ga hier zeker vaker even kijken wat voor mooie dingen je allemaal maakt!


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